gaining control

美 [ˈɡeɪnɪŋ kənˈtroʊl]英 [ˈɡeɪnɪŋ kənˈtrəʊl]
  • 网络获得控制权;怎样控制你的金钱
gaining controlgaining control
  1. all these are badges of gaining control over your world ,


  2. Governance is the key to gaining control of business processes and assets across functions within an organization .


  3. Gaining control of Motorola 's big patent portfolio will provide Google with ammunition in the ongoing battle between mobile platforms .


  4. Gaining control over the system by causing buffer overflow is a difficult engineering task that requires you to be creative and generate nontrivial ideas .


  5. But voting trust is a special kind of trust after all and has special purpose , which is gaining control of voting power of corporate stock .


  6. Socor said through pipelines Russia is gaining control over the export of oil and gas from the former Soviet republics in Central Asia .


  7. By giving a certain percentage of the market share in order to limit executive gaining control private income , and effective control of the executive the excessive partiality for equity financing .


  8. Army officials say the offensive against the militants in Waziristan has been successful with troops gaining control of key areas and killing more than 200 militants .


  9. Denying an urban area is a defensive action taken outside the boundaries of an urban area in an effort to prevent approaching enemy forces from gaining control of the urban area .


  10. Recent research confirms that gaining control over job demands , doing work that lends meaning and purpose to life and enjoying support and encouragement from co-workers are all linked to beneficial stress .


  11. DETROIT-A dozen nieces and nephews of civil rights icon Rosa Parks have filed an objection to her will in hopes of gaining control of the use of her name and image .


  12. In return for gaining control in Sakhalin , Russia approved an increased budget for the project and effectively dropped a series of environmental complaints against it , suggesting these had been little more than an negotiating tactic .


  13. Acer acquired Gateway , the struggling US PC company , in October for $ 710m in a deal that will lead to it gaining control of the Paris-based second-tier PC supplier Packard Bell .


  14. He concedes nominal leadership of the family to junior , carving out several advantages for himself : avoiding a costly intra-family war and gaining control of income-generating contracts as payment from junior in return .


  15. The crisis there is not a formal either on the agenda meeting but with Islamist extremist gaining control of Iraqi territory and its neighbour Turkey sharing border with Iraq is bound to be heavily discussed .


  16. Initial success in gaining local control is evident .


  17. The offensive was aimed at gaining complete control of route 7 .


  18. Combining rough set theory with fuzzy logic technology , this paper has presented a method of gaining fuzzy control rules based on measured data .


  19. Im convinced there is absolutely no one-size-fits-all solution for gaining greater control of our time , output , stress and success .


  20. The external mapping file enables developers to customize the data mapping and thereby gaining more control over the way mapping can be derived .


  21. Campbell says it is in the interest of the United States and Mexico to prevent criminal gangs from gaining effective control of Juarez or any other parts of Mexico .


  22. The militarists are contemplating an alliance with Germany and Italy for the purpose of gaining exclusive control of China , invading Southeast Asia and expelling Britain , the United States and France from the East ;


  23. Think of it as gaining someone to control completely


  24. Additionally , a robust control design criterion is reviewed for gaining the robust control system . The unified adaptive robust control is considered to be capable of reducing the responses of tall buildings and long-span bridges under wind and earthquake .


  25. With respect to the complexity of the processes and load model , a fuzzy controlling algorithm is employed , gaining fairly good constant-current control performance .
